Hey guys
For those of you who are new, I post book reviews, some of the the quotes I love from books and also recommendation for you guys.
Happy Reading :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Dear Stranger, I know how you feel


“The truth is you are at war with yourself that’s why you find yourself at war with others”

Dear stranger, I know how you feel is a book by Ashish Bagrecha 

The book is divided into 30 letters, 30 problems one can go through like depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. 

This book will motivate you to move forward and go through the hardest of times. It will calm you and help you see a ray of hope in the darkness. 

Read one of the letters every day. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Review: Midnight Sun

 Review: Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer (The Twilight Saga 5)

Midnight Sun is Edward’s version of Twilight which was long awaited by Twilight fans. To be honest, I found it better than the original version (Bella’s POV). Stephenie’s writing style has definitely improved in this version. And since Edward can read minds we got to know The Cullens better and also the real intentions and thinking of Bella’s friends. I liked the way how Alice was so excited to meet Bella for the first time and how she literally begged Edward to let her. We also got a little insight of Rosalie who envied Bella’s mortality and Carlisle and Esme who loved Edward as their son and Emmett who was so carefree and fun and Jasper’s inner battles of human blood. 

The book was both intense and funny. I literally laughed so much throughout the book. I loved how Bella changed Edward now that we could see it through Edward’s POV, how he nearly killed Bella in the starting and how he learned to control his thirst all because he loved her so much. 

The things I didn’t like about Midnight Sun was how Edward portrayed Bella a good girl without any flaws and perfect in all sense which is hardly ever true even for a fictional character. And obviously the clichéd romance. 

What’s important to know is that it’s not a new story, it’s a retelling of Twilight from Edward’s POV. So, many of you will not like the book. I recommend it only to those who’ve read The Twilight Saga or atleast the first book because it’s basically written for The Twilight fans. 

Compared to Twilight, I found Midnight Sun a whole lot better.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Queen of Nothing


You are in no mood for games. Very well, I am in no mood for them, either. Let me write it outright: You are pardoned. I revoke your banishment. I rescind my words. Come home. Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you must. JUST COME HOME.


Recommendation: Beginners

  When I started reading I was in 7th grade, I think and I just randomly picked up a book from the school library and started and I liked it...